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  New Posts – in the last 30 days
# PostedMain MenuSub MenuTitle / Description
DESE Communication
DESE Announcements Lights On Afterschool
Attached is the 2024 Lights On Afterschool proclamation signed by Governor Parson. Please feel free to display this at your Lights On events.
Training / Events
DESE Presentations 2024-25 New Programs and New Staff Training - Session 2

Recording: https://umsystem.hosted.panopto.com/Panopto/Pages/Viewer.aspx?id=491c57a7-df81-40f7-859d-b1e901127f2b

Slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1-GuGSL0zGUvCoQ5Whm2KAmEj6zpYVprf/edit#slide=id.g2f438501514_0_0

Training / Events
DESE Presentations 2024-25 New Programs and New Staff Training - Session 1

Recording: https://umsystem.hosted.panopto.com/Panopto/Pages/Viewer.aspx?id=d0f0fa2f-604c-407e-9633-b1e2012530e7&start=5

Slides:  https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1hdZUbCT-NZnwfkw27VhkRWmk4ETcMfQj/edit#slide=id.g2f438501514_0_0

Links:  https://docs.google.com/document/d/1e0k_qnGYnpzz7BDmmfHyqKRbOUeMog2Y0x7gQe_8h1Q/edit

Training / Events
Other Trainings Beyond the Bell Toolkit
More information will be available soon.
DESE Communication
DESE Announcements Pipeline LIVE
Held the third Tuesday of each month at 10 a.m. The Pipeline LIVE! provides a monthly opportunity to ask questions and interact with the MASN staff while also being an easy way to stay informed about potential opportunities for afterschool programs. To register: https://umsystem.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0kd-qhrD8qGtyKgUrhQGwyeyo8u4o-xdLQ?mc_cid=17e651f803&mc_eid=0ba8e20e63#/registration
Training / Events
Other Trainings Middle School/High School Summit
MASN has streamlined these transformative experiences into an action-packed, one-day event. While students dive into tailored curricula at their level, your program will thrive by uniting a diverse array of young minds, fostering inspiration, learning, and invaluable connections.
Coaching Assignments/TA Assignments DESE Program Specialists - Assignments to Grantees 2024-25
Coaching Assignments/TA Assignments ARE/Coach Assignment List to Grantees 2024-25
21CCLC Report Forms 2024-25 Afterschool Grantee Blueprint-By MASN --- UPDATES ONLY
SAC Report Forms 2024-25 Afterschool Grantee Blueprint-By MASN --- UPDATES ONLY
MOCAL 2024-25 Afterschool Grantee Blueprint-By MASN --- UPDATES ONLY
21CCLC Report Forms 2024-25 Afterschool Grantee Blueprint - By MASN
SAC Report Forms 2024-25 Afterschool Grantee Blueprint - By MASN
MOCAL 2024-25 Afterschool Grantee Blueprint - By MASN
DESE Communication
DESE Announcements Changes to DESE Afterschool Assigned to Grantees

Affects ALL afterschool grantees (21st CCLC, SAC and MOCAL):

The Afterschool team has reassigned grants between Jimmy and Patrice. We realize many of you are used to working with one or the other. But it is important starting now that you only contact your assigned DESE staff person. Obviously they will help each other out if one is out of the office. But in order to be better familiar with you and your grant/program it is important to reach out to your assigned DESE staff. This pertains to program and/or finance questions.

The distribution is easy:

ALL Non-LEA's: Jimmy Reed 573-526-3961 james.reed@dese.mo.gov

ALL LEA's: Patrice Speed 573-526-5395 patrice.speed@dese.mo.gov

DESE Communication
DESE Announcements Payment Requests - Non-LEAs ONLY - UPDATE

When filling out the Payment Request form, you now must include your own unique invoice number. We have just learned that these numbers must be very unique. So unique that they can't be duplicated by another program. One digit invoice numbers are not accepted. You can use letter and numbers or any combination of the two. You can't use symbols, and it must not be more than 10 characters. For example, BGCJCAug24; BGCCOJul24, INTRAug24, etc. 

You must come up with your own system that will help you track payments. That invoice number is referenced on the EFT/ACH payment information. 

DESE Communication
DESE Announcements MOCAL Grant Recipients - Financial Information

Please share this information with your bookkeeper/financial office staff

  • Revenue code: 5339
  • Project code: 33900
  • Program name: MOCAL (Missouri Comprehensive Afterschool Learning)
  • LEAs payment requests through ePeGS
  • Non-LEAs payment requests through form posted here on Portal under the forms page
  • One payment request per month
  • ALL bookkeepers must keep track of this budget and know if a payment was not issued by the following month, if not, contact DESE Afterschool, do not resubmit



  Updates – in the last 30 days
# EditedMain MenuSub MenuTitle / Description
Training / Events
Other Trainings Active Learning Institute - For Programs in St. Louis Area
Participants will engage in interactive, hands-on training using active learning principles to emphasize youth civic engagement with students in their afterschool programs. This event is free.